Thursday, October 28, 2010

Collaborative Planning

Today I met with Erin Chisholm to discuss the lesson plans that we will be teaching.   Erin is also a 5th grade teacher in Woburn so we decided to work together on our lessons.  Since we do not teach the Revolutionary War until the spring time we have decided to focus our first lesson on the explorers.   

Social Studies Explorers Lesson Plan  Grade 5  by Erin Chisholm and Patty Giannone

Objectives: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the sequence of events of explorers and the causes and effects of their discoveries.

1. Students will write a paragraph describing a specific portion of an explorer’s life.

2. While working in a group with peers students will create a map of the explorer's expeditions.

3. Students will present an artifact that relates to the explorer’s life and explain why it is pertinent to that explorer.

Massachusetts Frameworks Standard: 5.3 Explain why trade routes to Asia had been closed in the 15th century and trace the voyages of explorers. Describe what each explorer sought when he began his journey, what he found, and how his discoveries changed the image of the world, especially the maps used by the explorers.

This project will be completed within a week and the final projects will be presented by each group. 

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